MySQL管理工具MySQL Utilities — mysqlindexcheck (27)

默北 MySQLMySQL管理工具MySQL Utilities — mysqlindexcheck (27)已关闭评论9,739字数 11603阅读38分40秒阅读模式

mysqlindexcheck 工具是用来识别潜在的冗余表索引的。读取一个或多个表的索引,识别出重复的和潜在冗余的索引。


除了这些库的表mysql, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, performance_schema,可以扫描所有其他库。文章源自运维生存时间-


  • BTREE   当且仅当idx_b中的第一个n列也出现在idx_a,那么idx_b是idx_a的重复的。顺序和唯一的。
  • HASH    当且仅当它们包含相同的列相同一顺序,那么idx_a和idx_b是重复的。唯一的。
  • SPATIAL  当且仅当它们包含相同的列,那么idx_a和idx_b是重复的。
  • FULLTEXT  当且仅当idx_b包含的所有列,也idx_a也包含,那么idx_b与idx_a是冗余的。顺序。

如果要看到DROP语句来删除冗余索引,可以指定 --show-drops 选项。检查现有的索引,使用--verbose 来打印出与CREATE INDEX (或者 ALTER TABLE) 等效。文章源自运维生存时间-

为了显示每个表最好或最坏的主键索引,使用--best 或 --worst选项。文章源自运维生存时间-


  • grid (default)
  • csv
  • tab
  • sql
  • vertical


注意:--best 和 --worst 列表选项不显示SQL 语句。文章源自运维生存时间-


MySQL Utilities mysqlindexcheck version 1.5.3 
License type: GPLv2
Usage: mysqlindexcheck --server=user:pass@host:port:socket db1.table1 db2 db3.table2

mysqlindexcheck - check for duplicate or redundant indexes

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --help                display a help message and exit
  --license             display program's license and exit
  --server=SERVER       connection information for the server in the form:
                        <user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or
                        <login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <config-
  --ssl-ca=SSL_CA       The path to a file that contains a list of trusted SSL
  --ssl-cert=SSL_CERT   The name of the SSL certificate file to use for
                        establishing a secure connection.
  --ssl-key=SSL_KEY     The name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a
                        secure connection.
  -d, --show-drops      display DROP statements for dropping indexes
  -i, --show-indexes    display indexes for each table
  -s, --skip            skip tables that do not exist
  -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT
                        display the list of indexes per table in either sql,
                        grid (default), tab, csv, or vertical format
  --stats               show index performance statistics
  --best=BEST           limit index statistics to the best N indexes。默认是5条。
  --worst=WORST         limit index statistics to the worst N indexes。默认是5条。
  -r, --report-indexes  reports if a table has neither UNIQUE indexes nor a
                        PRIMARY key
  -v, --verbose         control how much information is displayed. e.g., -v =
                        verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv = debug


# mysqlindexcheck --server=instance_3306 --show-drops --show-indexes --stats  --report-indexes  -vvv ttlsa_com
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
# Checking indexes...
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_categories
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_categories:
| database   | table           | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns   |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_categories  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | cid, pid  |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_categories has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_comments
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_comments:
| database   | table         | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns       |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_comments  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | id, fid, uid  |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_comments has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_favorites
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_favorites:
| database   | table          | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns  |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_favorites  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | id, uid  |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_favorites  | uid      | BTREE  | False   | False          | uid      |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_favorites has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_forums
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_forums:
| database   | table       | name        | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns        |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_forums  | PRIMARY     | BTREE  | True    | False          | fid, cid, uid  |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_forums  | updatetime  | BTREE  | False   | True           | updatetime     |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_forums  | ord         | BTREE  | False   | False          | ord            |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_forums has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_links
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_links:
| database   | table      | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns  |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_links  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | id       |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_links has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_notifications
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_notifications:
| database   | table              | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns    |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_notifications  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | nid, nuid  |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_notifications has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_page
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_page:
| database   | table     | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns  |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_page  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | pid      |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_page has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_settings
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_settings:
| database   | table         | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns          |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_settings  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | id, title, type  |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_settings has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_tags
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_tags:
| database   | table     | name       | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns    |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_tags  | PRIMARY    | BTREE  | True    | False          | tag_id     |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_tags  | tag_title  | BTREE  | True    | False          | tag_title  |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_tags has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_tags_relation
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_tags_relation:
| database   | table              | name    | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns  |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_tags_relation  | tag_id  | BTREE  | False   | False          | tag_id   |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_tags_relation  | fid     | BTREE  | False   | True           | fid      |
# Table `ttlsa_com`.`bbs_tags_relation` does not contain neither a PRIMARY nor UNIQUE key.
# The following indexes for table ttlsa_com.bbs_tags_relation contain the clustered index and might be redundant:
CREATE INDEX `tag_id` ON `ttlsa_com`.`bbs_tags_relation` (`tag_id`) USING BTREE
CREATE INDEX `fid` ON `ttlsa_com`.`bbs_tags_relation` (`fid`) USING BTREE
# DROP/ADD statements:
ALTER TABLE `ttlsa_com`.`bbs_tags_relation` DROP INDEX `tag_id`, ADD INDEX `tag_id` (tag_id);
ALTER TABLE `ttlsa_com`.`bbs_tags_relation` DROP INDEX `fid`, ADD INDEX `fid` (fid);
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_users
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_users:
| database   | table      | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns          |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_users  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | uid, group_type  |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_users has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_user_follow
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_user_follow:
| database   | table            | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns                     |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_user_follow  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | follow_id, uid, follow_uid  |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_user_follow has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.bbs_user_groups
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.bbs_user_groups:
| database   | table            | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns          |
| ttlsa_com  | bbs_user_groups  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | gid, group_type  |
# Table ttlsa_com.bbs_user_groups has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for
# Showing indexes from
| database   | table  | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns  |
| ttlsa_com  | data   | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | value    |
| ttlsa_com  | data   | id       | BTREE  | False   | False          | id       |
# Table has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# Getting indexes for ttlsa_com.t_data
# Showing indexes from ttlsa_com.t_data:
| database   | table   | name     | type   | unique  | accepts nulls  | columns  |
| ttlsa_com  | t_data  | PRIMARY  | BTREE  | True    | False          | value    |
| ttlsa_com  | t_data  | id       | BTREE  | False   | False          | id       |
# Table ttlsa_com.t_data has no duplicate nor redundant indexes.
# WARNING: Not enough data to calculate best/worst indexes.
# ...done.


需要对mysql数据库和需要检测的库(表)的SELECT权限。文章源自运维生存时间- 文章源自运维生存时间-

  • 本文由 发表于 09/03/2015 01:00:57
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